Why is my Product Page not showing up on Google ?
There may be a very simple reason why your pages are not being found on Google search results
Let’s face it, Search Engine Optimization can be time consuming, tedious, frustrating and never ending. Google makes tweaks to it’s search algorithm almost daily and there are over 200 factors that experts have found that can affect a page’s search engine ranking position. What often gets overlooked (I have been guilty of this myself), especially on large e-commerce sites, is something very fundamental and simple. It is easy to get wrapped up into H1 and H2 tags, Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions, internal and external links, social mentions, keywords, keyword density, etc., etc. But there is one fact that remains and none of the 200 ranking factors can help to overcome it:
If your page isn’t being indexed regularly by Google, it will not show up in Google search results !
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